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Partners for Compassionate Services, Inc.
Empowering Underserved Communities to Live Dignified Lives
"They have served us well!"
- female patient
"I am very grateful for the FREE service"
- male patient
"Yesterday, we saw about 250 patients. Today, it looks to be a little more than that. The impressive thing is we get through everyone, but really with the level of care we're providing. We're doing diagnostics on site, we're giving our doctors good lab results and our pharmacy has done an amazing job supplying patients with the medications they need. The level of care here is just like home."
- Cameron Gaskill, M.D. - Surgical Resident USA
"I am grateful to God for enabling me to participate in this program"
- mother of five
"Our main goal is to empower people living in underserved communities any where in the world in every way possible so that they can live dignified lives"
- Yusif Addae, M.D., MBA - Obstetrics & Gynecology - USA